C: Temperature Conversion With Main Repeat
https://github.com/pereiradaniel/beginning_c/blob/master/ch3/exercises/3_1/exercise3_1.c // Exercise 3-1 // Write a program that will first allow a user to choose one of two options: // 1. Convert a temperature from degrees Celsius to degrees Fahrenheit. // 2. Convert a temperature from degrees Fahrenheit to degrees Celsius. // The program should then prompt for the temperature value to be entered and output the new value that results // from the conversion. To convert from Celsius to Fahrenheit you can multiply the value by 1.8 and then add 32. #include <stdio.h> #include <ctype.h> #define TOFARENHEIT(a) a*1.8+32.0 #define TOCELSIUS(a) (a-32.0)/1.8 int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { int choice = 0; // Stores user's menu choice. double temp = 0.0; // Stores user's temperature input. char repeat = 'Y'; while (toupper(repeat)=='Y') { choice = 0; while (choice == 0) { printf(...