AI Author: Beach Memories

O how I long for those sweet summer days When by the shore I spent my hours in bliss With friends and kin who shared my joyous ways And filled my heart with memories I miss The sun would shine upon the sparkling lake And kiss the sails that bore us to and fro We'd glide along the water, and partake Of fishing, swimming, singing, as we'd go The beach would welcome us with open arms And offer us its treasures and delights We'd build the sandcastles, and gather charms And watch the seagulls soar in graceful flights The beach was more than just a place of fun It was a source of solace and of peace It taught us how to live, and love, and run And gave us hope that never would decrease But now those days are gone, and I am old And life has brought me many a grief and pain I often think of what I've lost, and scold The fate that keeps me from the beach again Yet in my dreams I still can see the shore And feel the breeze that caressed my face And hear the laughter that I hear no...